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Cathy's record in the legislature is focused on bills that directly affect the families of the ten communities she represents. From new, good-paying jobs to protecting our most vulnerable during the pandemic, Cathy brings home results to our district.
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Cathy proposed a bill expanding manufacturing job programs, securing $50 million in the effort, leading to thousands of new, good-paying jobs at some of the state's most important employers.


The nationally high cost of living is hurting Connecticut families. Cathy will fight to lower costs for families by stopping corporate buy-ups of single family housing, fighting against price gouging by billion-dollar companies, and continuing to cut taxes for the middle class.

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A veteran herself, Cathy has restored Connecticut VA funding, helped ease the transition to civilian employment for veterans and their spouses, and expanded PTSD and sexual trauma medical benefits for veterans.

Paid for by Friends of Cathy Osten, Malcolm Leichter, Treasurer. Approved by Cathy Osten.

Columbia, Franklin, Hebron, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lisbon, Marlborough, Montville, Norwich,& Sprague, CT

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